Romania se inclina in fata Italiei in al doilea meci de...
Italia a confirmat statutul de favorita si a invins Romania intr-o maniera categorica, chiar daca tricolorii au facut-o sa sufere in primele minute ale...
Derby nedecis in grupa A: Muntenegru – Spania 8-8
Europenele de la Belgrad au continuat astazi cu meciurile din ziua a treia. Slovacia si Olanda au deschis seria meciurilor cu un joc nu...
Hungary and Greece first tie of the event
Excitements arrived to the Kombank Arena on the second day of the championships: in the men’s competition Hungary and Greece produced a thriller, ending...
Tricolorii primul antrenament in Kombank Arena
Sala multifunctionala are o capacitate maxima de 25,000 spectatori si a gazduit deja alte competitii importante, printre care si Campionatele Europene de Baschet in 2005. Dupa cateva modificari, Kombank...
Serbia storms into the final, same four reach the semis among...
Serbia was overwhelming once more while beating Greece easily in the first semi-final of the men’s tournament. They made the final for the 6th...
Serbia hopes to achieve the triple • Spain to defend title...
Men’s Event: All European champions will compete
The European Championships will kick off with a real nail-biter as the opening match of Group B is...
Montenegro goes to Rio, Hungary and Holland play for it in...
Montenegro overcame Hungary in an enormous battle, attended by thousands from he neighbouring countries, creating a great atmosphere in the Kombank Arena. It was a real...
Hungary won after 15 years, heading to Rio
Hungary returned to the European throne after winning an outstanding battle over the Netherlands (9-7) in the good old way: two centre-goals decided the match...
Ratko Rudic: „Cu un pic de noroc Brazilia poate face surprize...
In luna decembrie anul trecut, Brazilia s-a pregatit in Europa unde a participat la cateva turnee in Croatia si Serbia. Saptamana trecuta brazilienii si-au incheiat pregatirile...
Seating capacity to be extended to 16,000 for the finals
The Kombank Arena will see the highest attended match in European water polo history when Serbia and Montenegro clash in the final of the 32nd...