Hungary and Greece first tie of the event

Excitements arrived to the Kombank Arena on the second day of the championships: in the men’s competition Hungary and Greece produced a thriller, ending...

Ungaria si Grecia si-au impartit punctele in meciul zilei

Ziua a continuat la Kombank Arena cu meciurile fetelor: Spania si Italia au obtinut victorii categorice. Spania s-a impus cu 23 la 3 in fata...

Debut cu dreptul pentru tricolori la Europene

La fel ca si in urma cu 2 ani, la europenele de la Budapesta, jucatorii lui Dejan Stanojevic au inceput mai greu partida si...

Romania debuteaza astazi la Campionatul European. De la ora 10.30...

Pentru poloistii tricolori, aflati la cea de-a 9 participare consecutiva, primul adversar este Georgia. In urma cu doi ani, jucatorii lui Dejan Stanojevic debutau...

Serbia: Serbia: triumphant start in front of 11,000

  Transforming the Kombank Arena into a giant pool already proved to be brilliant choice of the organisers. At the opening ceremony LEN President Paolo...

Serbia victorie categorica in fata Croatiei in prima zi a europenelor

In fata a 11,000 de spectatori, jucatorii lui Dejan Savic au castigat partida intr-o maniera categorica, la fel ca si in finala mondialelor de anul...

Croatia – Serbia, the clash of the day

  • It will start where it ended: the two sides clashed in the final of the World Championships in Kazan, where the Serbs soundly beat...

Serbia hopes to achieve the triple • Spain to defend title...

  Men’s Event: All European champions will compete The European Championships will kick off with a real nail-biter as the opening match of Group B is...
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