Olympiacos beats Recco in tense thriller, Ferencvaros stages 4-0 rush in...
Title-holder Olympiacos Piraeus and 2018 Euro Cup winner FTC-Telekom will
replay the Super Cup final after winning extraordinary semi-finals. The Greeks
upset Recco once more after...
Champions League Final 8: Olympiakos din nou regina Europei dupa 16...
Olympiacos a castigat din nou trofeul dupa 16 ani de zile. In 2002, la Budapesta a invins in finala pe Honved cu 9-7, acelasi...
Champions League: Olympiakos in finala dupa 6-4 cu Barceloneta
Champions League - Genova 7-9 iunie
Vineri 8 iunie
OLYMPIACOS - BARCELONETA 6-4 (1-1, 2-2, 1-1, 2-0)
Olympiacos: Pavic, Mylonakis, Delakas, Gennidounias 1, Fountoulis 1, Nikolaidis, Dervisis, Buslje...
Champions League Final Eight: Semi-final Preview Pro Recco (ITA) v...
This is the re-match of last year’s final where Olympiacos upset host Recco in a
great game, the Greek won 9-7 in Genoa to clinch...
Champions League Final Eight: FTC prima echipa calificata in semifinale
La prima prezenta in Final Eight, FTC a dominat startul partidei si s-a desprins la trei goluri, prin reusitele lui Stefan Mitrovic, Mezei si Younger. Jug...
Champions League Final Eight: Olympiacos in semifinale dupa 8-7 cu Brescia
Dupa un start echilibrat de joc, grecii au punctat de doua ori dar Brescia a egalat la 2 in primele minute din repriza a...
Champions League Final Eight: Semi-finals Preview FTC-Telekom Budapest (HUN) v Zodiac...
Ferencvaros prevented to have the same four teams reaching the semi-finals as
in last year when Recco, Olympiacos, Barceloneta and Jug made the top four....
Champions League Final Eight: Ferecvaros pentru prima data in istorie va...
Barceloneta a condus jocul timp de trei reprize si a inceput ultima parte cu un avantaj minim pe tabela de marcaj (6-5). Ba chiar...
Champions League Final Eight- Brescia almost spoiled Recco’s party
Though Olympiacos was considered the top favourite against Spandau (GER), the
Greeks found themselves in the middle of dogfight in the third period. They laid
Champions League Final Eight: last quarter final preview Olympiacos Piraeus (GRE)...
Olympiacos is the title-holder, they won the Champions League for the second
time after 2002. Last season they beat Spandau 6-5 in the quarters, Barceloneta...