Champions League Final 8: Barceloneta obtine medaliile de bronz la Genova

Champions League Finala mica Sambata 9 iunie Barceloneta - Jug   14-8 (4-1, 2-3, 6-3, 2-1) Barceloneta: Lopez Pinedo, Famera 2, Granados, Munarriz 2, J. Vrlic 1, Larumbe 1, Paul,...

Champions League Final Eight: last quarter final preview Olympiacos Piraeus (GRE)...

Olympiacos is the title-holder, they won the Champions League for the second time after 2002. Last season they beat Spandau 6-5 in the quarters, Barceloneta...

Champions League Final Eight: FTC prima echipa calificata in semifinale

La prima prezenta in Final Eight, FTC a dominat startul partidei si s-a desprins la trei goluri, prin reusitele lui Stefan Mitrovic, Mezei si Younger. Jug...

Champions League Final Eight – Big time, big games, big money

Six of the eight competing sides are already in the history book by winning the most prestigious trophy at least once, though host Pro Recco...

Champions League Final 8: Olympiakos din nou regina Europei dupa 16...

Olympiacos a castigat din nou trofeul dupa 16 ani de zile. In 2002, la Budapesta a invins in finala pe Honved  cu 9-7, acelasi...

Champions League Final Eight: 2nd Quarter-final preview: Zodiac Barceloneta (ESP) vs...

In the second Barceloneta will take on BPM in a quite interesting match. Here are some facts about the opponents Barceloneta returned to the finals in 2018...
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