Romania locul 10 la europene dupa 6-12 cu Franta
Tricolorii au incheiat cu o infrangere competitia de la Belgrad in urma unui joc deloc stralucit. Adversara de astazi a fost mult mai motivata si...
Russia is back after 13 years
Thirteen years after finishing 4th in Kranj, the Russian team managed to reach the best eight at the European Championships for the first time. The...
Romania disputa al doilea meci la Europene contra Italiei. Ora de...
Tricolorii incep meciurile grele din grupa C. Dupa victoria cu Georgia, 12-6, din primul joc de la europene, Romania intalneste astazi pe Italia, favorita grupei...
Muntenegru – Ungaria semifinala pentru Rio
Muntenegru a eliminat Italia din cursa pentru medalii dar si din lupta pentru singurul loc care merge direct la Jocurile Olimpice. Jucatorii lui Vladimir Gojkovic...
Spain and Serbia clinch top spots
Spain finished a top in Group A, ahead of Montenegro, thanks to its better goal-difference. The Serbs struggled against France in the first half...
Hungary won after 15 years, heading to Rio
Hungary returned to the European throne after winning an outstanding battle over the Netherlands (9-7) in the good old way: two centre-goals decided the match...
Romania invinge Germania si termina grupa pe locul doi. In optimi...
Tricolorii si-au facut treaba si au obţinut victoria de care aveau nevoie in fata Germaniei. Chiar daca a fost la limita (14-13) si dupa...
Seating capacity to be extended to 16,000 for the finals
The Kombank Arena will see the highest attended match in European water polo history when Serbia and Montenegro clash in the final of the 32nd...