CSM Digi Oradea invinge pe Steaua si se califica in play-offul...

Steaua şi CSM Digi Oradea au oferit un joc foarte disputat si echilibrat in primele trei sferturi. Oradenii au condus cu 3 la 2...

Barcelona 2018 opens its official online shop

The 33rd LEN European Water Polo Championships Barcelona 2018 has opened its online shop. Water polo enthusiasts will now be able to purchase official...

EUROPA CUP: A new LEN event for national water polo teams

LEN has created a brand new series for national teams. The Europa Cup is to feature the top 12 teams of the continent, both...

Champions League: Big win for Brescia, Dynamo needs a miracle

In Group A, the three-horse race for the last remaining two berths didn’t end on the penultimate day. Brescia managed to halt Barceloneta’s 10-game unbeaten run...

Tibor Benedek nu va mai continua pe banca tehnica a Ungariei

Este finalul unei ere la nationala masculina de polo maghiara cu plecarea iminenta a lui Tibor Benedek, antrenor principal din 2013. Benedek a facut urmatoarea declaratie pentru...

Champions League: Jug, Brescia, Dynamo: only two can stay alive

The last day of the prelims promise great excitements for three teams in Group A and two of them will face each other. 2016 winner...

VK Novi Belgrad – CSM Oradea, scor 12-10, în grupa A...

Scorul pe reprize a fost 4-2, 3-2, 4-5 și 1-1. Au marcat pentru CSM Oradea: Gardasevic 4 goluri, Belenyesi 2, Ilisie 2, Czenk Ferenc  și...

Junioarele U19 prima victorie la Europenele din Olanda

Nationala de Junioare a Romaniei a obtinut prima victorie la Campionatul European ce se desfasoara la Haga. Echipa pregatita de Vlad Hagiu si Zoltan Orban...
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