LEN Water Polo Europa Cup, Men’s Super Final: The first showdown...

Teams competing in the upcoming Super Final of the LEN Europa Cup are the crème de la crème of men’s water polo. The playing format...

Final Six – Europa Cup – Turneul feminin: Italia invinsa de...

Orasul spaniol Pontevedra gazduieste in aceste zile turneul final al Europa Cup la polo feminin. Prima zi a adus eliminarea Italiei din lupta pentru medalii....

La Zagreb incepe astazi turneul final al Cupei Europei

La competitie participa Croatia, Ungaria, Muntenegru, Italia, Spania, Serbia, Rusia si Grecia. Turneul Final Eight da invingatoarei biletele pentru Super Final-ul Ligii Mondiale, competitie care va avea...

Hungary upsets host Croatia, claims Europa Cup  

Hungary stunned host and title-holder Croatia in the World League Europa Cup finals by winning a thrilling gold medal match in front of 2,000...

Europa Cup Men’s Super Final: Croatia clinches the trophy

In the final, Spain could withstand the pressure until late in the third period as they managed to come back from 1-3 to 5-5 and...
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