Champions League, Season 2016-17, Draw – Semis to be replayed in...

Just as last year, the city of Dubrovnik hosted the Champions League draw for the preliminary rounds – this time on behalf of the proud...

Junioarele pierd primul meci al turneului international de la Oradea

Nationala de junioare sub 19 ani a Romaniei a pierdut primul meci al turneului international de la Oradea. Jucatoarele antrenate de Vlad Hagiu si...

Champions League: Eger se impune in fata lui Spandau cu 10-6...

Turneului Final 8 de la Genova a inceput astazi cu partida Spandau - Eger, din semifinalele pentru locurile 5-8, disputata pe o ploaie torentiala....

Switzerland and the Czech Republic go through to the second round...

Switzerland, the first classified team of the tournament held this weekend in Prague, will travel to Poland for the second round to face Belarus,...

Euro Cup start with interesting contests

In the Euro Cup not less thrilling contests are scheduled in the opening round. Here Group C and Group D look really balanced, neither of...

Brazilia produce surpriza la Rio: invinge cu 6-5 pe Serbia

Serbia a inceput bine intalnirea si dupa primele opt minute de joc avea doua goluri in fata gazdei Jocurilor Olimpice (0-2). Brazilia a reactionat...

Draw for the Champions League Qualification Round II season 2016 –...

CHAMPIONS LEAGUE MEN Qualification Round II to be played on 14-16 October 2016 Group E to be played in Eger (HUN) ZF EGER (HUN) CN MARSEILLE (FRA)...

Filip Filipovic isi salveaza echipa de la infrangere. Serbia – Ungaria...

Serbia si Ungaria au terminat la egalitate 13-13 in primul meci al turneului olimpic masculin de polo. Filip Filipovic si-a salvat echipa de la o...

LEN postpones 2020 European Aquatics Championships

The circumstances linked to the outbreak of the coronavirus throughout the continent, the  restrictions and the other measures currently implemented by most European governments...

La Oradea incepe „memorialul Nicolae Rujinschi”

La Oradea de astazi se desfasoara turneul international "memorial Nicolae Rujinschi". Alaturi de vicecampioana Romaniei, CSM Digi Oradea vor mai evolua  Spandau 04 Berlin (Germania), Galatasaray...
error: Continut protejat contra lenesilor !!