CHAMPIONS LEAGUE: It’s Game Day, now in eight cities!

After the tremendous success gained in the previous four years, LEN opted to expand the water polo Champions League group stage, from 12 teams...

Naples bowing out from Euro Cup

Canottieri Napoli was downed by Oradea with double wins, while Posillipo couldn’t recover from the three-goal defeat suffered at home in the first leg...

Jug blows Brescia away

Winners take it all: Jug captured all titles on offer in 2016, they managed to win the Champions League for the fourth time in...

Turneul asiatic de calificare la Jocurile Olimpice anulat

Turneul asiatic de calificare la Jocurile Olimpice, care ar fi trebui sa inceapa de ieri la Nur Sultan, in Kazakistan, nu se va mai desfasura....

LEN SuperCup: Superb wins for Szolnok and Kirishi

The men’s match was a brilliant clash of two Hungarian sides lining up a handful of local greats as well as outstanding Serbian players....

34th European Water Polo Championships, Budapest (HUN)

For a record fifth time, Budapest will stage the European Water Polo Championships from Sunday. The two-week spectacle takes place in the renowned Duna...

Elvetia si Cehia s-au calificat in a doua faza a preliminariilor...

  Elvetia a castigat grupa dupa ce s-a impus in toate cele trei partide disputate pe parcursul turneului: a invins in primul joc, cu 8-7,...

Tricolorii mici locul 12 la Campionatul European din Olanda

In loc sa joace pentru locurile 1-8 cu Germania, asa cum si-au dorit, tricolorii mici au intalnit-o in meciul pentru locurile 11-12. Fara motivatie, echipa noastra...
error: Continut protejat contra lenesilor !!