The matches on the first day will start at 9:30 A.M., the first game in the afternoon/evening session will begin at 5:30 P.M.. In each session, the spectators can see 4-4 clashes among the national teams.

Games for places, are also on pending.

The Hungarian national teams (both women’s and men’s) will play last but one in the preliminary rounds. In the knockout stage, the starting hour of the games could change to 08:30 P.M. for the red-white-green squads. Although, the decision has not been made yet by the parties.

Groups of the women’s competition:

Group A: Italy, Brazil, Canada, China
Group B: New-Zeeland, South-Africa, Spain, USA
Group C: Japan, Netherlands, Hungary, France
Group D: Australia, Russia, Kazakhstan, Greece

July 16., Sunday:

Italy–Canada – 9.30
Brazil–China – 10.50
New-Zeeland–Spain – 12.10
South-Africa–USA – 13.30
Netherlands–France – 17.30
Australia–Kazakhstan – 18.50
Japan–Hungary – 20.10
Russia–Greece – 21.30

July 18., Tuesday:

USA–Spain – 9.30
New-Zeeland–South-Africa – 10.50
Japan–Netherlands – 12.10
Greece–Kazakhstan – 13.30
Australia–Russia – 17.30
China–Canada – 18.50
France–Hungary – 20.10
Italy–Brazil – 21.30

July 20., Thursday:

Japan–France – 9.30
Australia–Greece – 10.50
Russia–Kazakhstan – 12.10
Italy–China – 13.30
Brazil–Canada – 17.30
New-Zeeland–USA – 18.50
Netherlands–Hungary – 20.10
South-Africa–Spain – 21.30

July 22., Saturday:

For the best Eight

For places: 13-16. – 10.30
For places: 13-16. – 12.00

A2-B3 – 17.30
A3-B2 – 19.00
C2–D3 – 20.30
C3–D2 – 22.00

July 24., Monday:

For the best Four:

For the place 15. – 9.30
For the place 13. – 10.50
For the places 9-12. – 12.10
For the places 9-12. – 13.30

A1–C2/D3 – 14.50
B1– C3/D2 – 16.10
C1– A2/B3 – 20.30
D1–A3–B2 – 22.00

July 26., Wednesday:

For the place 11. – 10.30
For the place 9. – 12.00
For the places 5-8. – 13.30
For the places 5-8. – 15.00


Winner of the A1–C2/D3 – Winner of the B1–C3/D2 – 20.30
Winner of the C1– A2/B3– Winner of the D1–A3–B2 – 22.00

July 28., Friday:

For the place 7. – 12.00
For the place 5. – 13.30
For the place 3. – 15.00
Final – 20.30

Groups of the men’s competition

Group A: Brazil, Montenegro, Kazakhstan, Canada
Group B: France, Australia, Italy, Hungary
Group C: Spain, Serbia, Greece, South-Africa
Group D: USA, Japan, Croatia, Russia

July 17., Monday:

Brazil–Kazakhstan – 9.30
Montenegro–Canada – 10.50
France–Italy – 12.10
Spain–Greece – 13.30
Serbia–South-Africa – 17.30
USA–Croatia – 18.50
Australia–Hungary – 20.10
Japan–Russia – 21.30

July 19., Wednesday:

France–Australia – 9.30
South-Africa–Greece – 10.50
Spain–Serbia – 12.10
Russia – Croatia  – 13.30
USA–Japan – 17.30
Canada–Kazakhstan – 18.50
Hungary–Italy – 20.10
Brazil–Montenegro – 21.30

July 21., Friday:

Spain–South-Africa – 9.30
Serbia–Greece – 10.50
USA–Russia – 12.10
Japan–Croatia – 13.30
Brazil–Canada – 17.30
Montenegro–Kazakhstan – 18.50
France–Hungary – 20.10
Australia–Italy – 21.30

Further programme:

July 23., Sunday:

For the best Eight:

For the places 13-16. – 10.30
For the places 13-16. – 12.00

A2-B3 – 13.30
A3-B2 – 15.00
C2–D3 – 20.30
C3–D2 – 22.00

July 25., Tuesday:

For the best Four:

For the place15. – 9.30
For the place 13. – 10.50
For the places 9-12. – 12.10
For the places 9-12. – 13.30

A1–C2/D3 – 14.50
B1– C3/D2 – 16.10
C1– A2/B3 – 20.30
D1–A3–B2 – 22.00

July 27., Thursday:


For the place 11. – 10.30
For the place 9.  – 12.00
For the places 5-8.  – 13.30
For the places 5-8. – 15.00

Winner of the A1–C2/D3–  Winner of B1–C3/D2 – 20.30
Winner of the C1– A2/B3 – Winner of the D1–A3–B2 – 22.00

July 29., Saturday:

For the place 7. – 12.00
For the place 5. – 13.30
For the place 3. – 15.00
Final – 20.30


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